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98,- per month

Find your Classes

UniFitness offers a wide range of classes. You can always join- or cancel different classes. Find your class today!


CardioStep is a class for those who want a high heart rate and high burn. At CardioStep we listen to great music, step on the stepboard and have fun! CardioStep focuses on high heart rate! It's for all levels whether you've stepped or done cardio before.


X-Fit is a dynamic strength- and conditioning training with constantly varying exercises, high intensity, and functional movements. A full-body workout focusing on specific muscle groups that vary from session to session.


Ready for an intense workout with gloves, a punching bag, and an opponent? Intensity and technique are in the loop!

Meet unifitness' dedicated employees!

Who will you meet for various classes? Who is the daily manager? Who makes sure you always have paper and disinfection available? Find the whole staff below and meet the team!

Personal Program planning

As part of your membership, you'll have the opportunity to get a workout program tailored to your needs. This is included in your membership and can be helpful for those who have an injury or those who would like a helping hand to get started with their workout adventure in UniFitness.

Check out all deals as a member

Among other things you get cheap massage and free swimming at Gigantium!

What does our members say?



+45 99 40 80 13


Website design by: Patrick Hensberg

©2022 - UniFitness - Fibigerstræde 15 B-C, 9220 Aalborg Øst
